
1. Nightcrawler (1:58)


2. Lou's Inspired (2:10)


3. Driving at Night


4. Sell the Bike (1:02)


5. Loder Crashes (2:32)


6. K W L A (1:27)


7. The First Accident (1:49)


8. Day to Night


9. Pictures On the Fridge (1:42)


10. The First Night (1:37)


11. Entering the House (3:02)


12. Edit on the Hood (1:07)


13. Lou and Rick on a Roll (2:08)


14. Driving at Night, Again (1:04)


15. Waiting


16. Mount Wilson (1:38)


17. The Wrong Way (1:12)


18. Watching the House Footage (1:03)


19. Lou's Philosophy (1:53)


20. Making the News


21. Search for the Plate (1:02)


22. The Newscast (3:44)


23. Moving the Body (1:52)


24. Chinatown Express (4:16)


25. Nina and Frank (1:01)


26. The Shootout (4:35)


27. Lou's Free (1:35)


28. If It Bleeds It Leads (2:13)


Total: 28 tracks   $3.15