Thane to the Throne

1. Thane of Cawdor (4:51)


2. King at a Price hit (3:49)


3. Bloody Crime hit (5:35)


4. The Premonitions


5. Treachery's Stain (4:11)


6. Spectres of the Past hit (3:46)


7. Banquo's Final Rest


8. Three Voices of Fate (5:13)


9. Hell to Pay (4:32)


10. The Prophecies (Fugue in D Minor) (1:43)


11. Insanity's Mind (5:25)


12. Requiem for Lady MacBeth


13. Face of Fear (3:21)


14. Fall of Dunsinane (5:17)


15. Fate's Triumph (4:37)


16. The Downward Fall (2:49)


17. Tragedy of MacBeth (8:19)


Total: 17 tracks   $2.34