1. Overture


2. Gertrude's Aria: Touch (9:23)


3. Swelter's Aria: Be a Happy Carnivore (6:15)


4. Steerpike's Song: Oxygen (7:01)


5. Fuchsia's Song: Rainbow Party (6:52)


6. Ensemble: Joy (3:22)


7. The Twin's Duet: Triumph (3:07)


8. Barquentine's Aria: Posses Me, Chaos! (2:14)


9. Sepulchrave's Aria: Behold the Night! (9:46)


10. Duet Fuchsia & Stterkpike: The Birds Are Leaving for the South (6:45)


11. Fuchsia's Aria: Fall, Friendly Rain (5:49)


Total: 11 tracks   $1.58