1. Bone Tired (4:01)


2. Airplanes (7:53)


3. Airport Courtesy Phone (2:24)


4. Jet Lag (3:41)


5. Hating Someone's Guts, Pt. 1 (5:53)


6. Funny Guy (12:21)


7. Love In Venice (5:40)


8. Strength, Pt. 1 (11:12)


9. Strength, Pt. 2 (23:12)


10. The Odd Ball (1:26)


11. Hating Someone's Guts, Pt. 2 (8:16)


12. Blues (4:05)


13. Big Knowledge (14:49)


14. Good Advice (13:13)


15. Vacation In England (5:52)


16. Condos (12:49)


17. Trade Secrets (2:48)


18. I Know You (5:40)


19. The Odd Ball Gets A Big Laugh


Total: 19 tracks   $3.91