Buried Alive!

1. Babies (3:50)


2. 25 and Pregnant (3:22)


3. I Was The Cutest Kid of All Time (4:48)


4. Bullying (2:43)


5. Having a Kid is a Crazy Gamble (1:49)


6. Cheese is Everywhere: Describing a Night Out (1:31)


7. A Chunk on Marriage (3:55)


8. Proposal Stories: "We Were at a 5 Star Restaurant." (4:55)


9. Marriage is an Insane Proposal (1:45)


10. The Chick-Fil-A Dilemma (3:46)


11. My Cousins in India/Arranged Marriages (5:23)


12. Modern Ghosts (1:52)


13. Meeting the Love of Your Life at Bed Bath and Beyond (2:49)


14. If My Generation Was a Font, We'd be Comic Sans (1:36)


15. Online Dating Material (2:13)


16. Grindr (2:38)


17. Girls That Say Wooooo! And Dumb Dudes (3:40)


18. Black Dudes Are Blown Away by Magic Tricks (2:41)


19. Gentlemen vs. Dudes (2:45)


20. Don't Ever Send Women Photos of Your Penis (6:17)


21. Club Songs (This is the Best Night of Your Life!) (3:39)


22. Encore: Meeting President Obama (3:48)


23. Encore: Seal Story (5:14)


Total: 23 tracks   $3.31