1. Two Million Voices (2:24)


2. Ghost Town (2:47)


3. You're Nicked (2:38)


4. England (3:22)


5. Heath's Lament (1:03)


6. Guns for the Afghan Rebels (2:39)


7. I Understand (2:53)


8. Mensi's Marauders (2:29)


9. Mr. Politician (3:47)


10. Kids on the Street (2:20)


11. Jimmy (2:47)


12. We're Gonna Take the World (2:58)


13. Last Night Another Soldier (2:44)


14. I Wish (2:28)


15. Sticks Diary (4:21)


16. The Sun Never Shines (2:21)


17. Never Comeback (2:49)


18. The Man Who Came in From the Beano (2:36)


Total: 18 tracks   $2.63