A Young Person's Guide To Mark McGuire

1. Dream Team (17:24)


2. The Marfa Lights (9:12)


3. Clague Woods (1:47)


4. Slipstreams (1:23)


5. Stranger Than Paradise (4:58)


6. Flight (6:45)


7. Ghosts Around A Tree (11:48)


8. The Path Lined With Colorful Stones (9:46)


9. The Wind On The Winding Road, Pt. 2 (9:43)


10. Radio Flyer (10:39)


11. Icy Windows (9:07)


12. The Lonesome Foghorn Blows (1:57)


13. Time Is Flying (10:03)


14. Sun Shining Through The Open Barn Door (2:58)


15. Explosion Alarm (1:28)


16. Sick Chemistry (4:24)


17. Skies (9:37)


18. Over The Water (3:56)


19. The Invisible World (7:37)


20. Inside Where It's Warm (13:28)


Total: 20 tracks   $3.61